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Choose the right keywords for your social network

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Coming up with a great set of keywords lies at the heart of making your social network discoverable. If your keywords are specific and uniquely related to your social network, it’ll be easier for people to find your social network via search engines and even via searching on

Think of it as a competition. Do you really want to go up against all the websites tagged with “music”? Most likely, you’ll want to carve out a smaller space — say for example, “Underground hip-hop“. A few well-targeted words will serve your social network much better than many generic ones, and will ultimately allow you to fill a niche need with your social network.

To add keywords to your social network, go to the Manage tab and click on the “Network Information” link. In the “Keyword” field, type in up to 10 words, and separate each keyword with commas or spaces. You can always change your keywords as your social network evolves.

If your keyword is multiple words, make sure to put it in quotation marks so it registers as one keyword. For example, “outdoor music” will be counted as one keyword.

For advanced tools, you can work with Google Analytics or the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to see the search queries and keywords that are driving visitors to your social network. You can use this data to tag your social network with even smarter keywords.