Ning Help Center

Customize Your Network Using the Classic Appearance Editor

Customize Your Network Using the Classic Appearance Editor

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There are many built-in tools to help you get the appearance of your Ning Network just right. You can use one of over 50 built-in themes, or customize a theme to create your own appearance. You can even add your own CSS to make changes not available in the default appearance page.

You have full control over the layout of the Main Page and the appearance of all of the features on the Main Page. You can also control your branded, embeddable badges and widgets to help spread the word about your Ning Network across the internet. Finally, you have full control over the navigation tabs and can use the Tabs feature to rearrange, remove, add, and rename your tabs and create sub-tab menus.

Visit a related article below to learn more about getting the most out of the appearance of your Ning Network.

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