Ning Help Center

Filter Language on Your Network

Filter Language on Your Network

5 (100%) 1 vote

Depending on the content and member base on your Ning Network, you may want to filter out certain words from ever being published.  This can improve the experience your members have on your network, make moderating content easier and also make make your Ning Network more attractive to advertisers.

This feature will be off by default.  To activate it, head to the Controls page under the Content section of your My Network tab and click the link next to “Enable Language Filtering.”

The large box below that control will then populate with common words for filtering, but you can add or remove anything from that field.  Click the “Save” button on that page to activate your Language Filter.  Once you do, when any of the words included in your list are used on your network, only their first letter will appear and the rest of the letters will be replaced by “*”.  So, “swear” becomes “s****”.

If you ever wish to then disable this feature, just uncheck the box and click the “Save” button.

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