Ning Help Center

Remove Your Network’s Name and Tagline

Remove Your Network’s Name and Tagline

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Instead of having your Ning Network name and tagline appear over your header, you might want to place the text right in your image. If that’s the case, just follow the steps here to upload the image, with the text, as your header image.

After you upload the image as your header background, you’ll want to hide the text that shows up by default. If you are using the Design Studio, uploading your image to the Network Logo location in the Header section of the Customize panel will replace the network name automatically. To hide the tagline, enter this CSS into the Advanced panel:

.xg_theme p#xg_sitedesc { display: none; }

For the Classic Appearance Editor, go to your Appearance page (from the My Network tab and under the Settings section) and open the Advanced tab. Drop in this single line of CSS:

#xg_masthead { visibility: hidden;}

And your Ning Network name and tagline will be hidden! Here’s what it looks like on my network:

To learn more about how to use CSS to customize your network, we recommend checking out W3C’s CSS section and downloading Firebug. Playing around with CSS on your test network first is a great and safe way to experiment without having to worry about making any mistakes on your live Ning Network.

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