Ning Help Center

Rename a Feature on Your Network

Rename a Feature on Your Network

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You may decide that the default names of features don’t fit your network. Fortunately, it’s easy to modify the name of any feature using the Language Editor.

First, head to the Language Editor page in My Network, where you’ll see a list of the available languages for your Ning Network. Click on the “Edit” link for your active language – “English (U.S.)” in this case.

Next, type in the name of the feature you’d like to rename in the text box and hit “Search.” We’ll be renaming the “Music” feature in this example.

Locate the correct instance of the word you’re searching for by scrolling down and add the new text in the text box to the right. Once you’re done, scroll up or down and hit the “Save Page” button (above) to save your changes.

Finally, head back to the feature to see your changes!

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