Ning Blog

Is Social Networking Right for Your Brand?

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In the past few weeks, I’ve been asked the same question by a number of large brands:

“What’s the best way for us to incorporate social networking into our brand strategy?”

I think that there are a few ways to answer this question. First, social networking isn’t for everyone. Knowing what will and won’t work for your brand, your company, and your customers upfront is critical.

Social networks require companies to cede a certain level of control to the people using your products and services. It’s not the clean, regulated world of television. It’s much more similar to holding a live event where the members of your social network will be exposed to actual human behavior in sometimes messy ways.

Even with moderation – which is critical to any social network – a company needs to accept a certain level of party crashing and bad behavior to take on social networking successfully. If your company is uncomfortable with this, then you should reinvest your people and money in other things right now.

Why? Because a social network is not a website. It’s not one-way out to the world. You can’t control everything on a social network. Setting that as a goal will mean you’ll either create a floundering, unsuccessful network or drive yourself crazy trying to control it.

For example, one company I knew wanted to moderate everything – I mean, absolutely everything – added to their network. While this is technically possible to do, it was also a telltale sign to me that the network was doomed.

Social networks are about dynamic, immediate connections. If everything has to be moderated in order to “protect” people pre-emptively from bad behavior, the network will never get off the ground. It can’t build momentum. It will be eaten up by the growing number of places online today that do allow instantaneous connections and assume the best in people. You are competing against them for people’s time. The days of a “captive” audience are over.

Here’s an initial checklist that may give you and your company a better sense of whether social networking – or sponsoring social networks – is right for you:

If you are comfortable with these things, then integrating social networking into your brand has huge benefits…

Social networking is about creating a bottoms up groundswell where passionate people can authentically join and connect with others around the things that they care about. In most cases, these are not the things that you, as a large brand, want them to care about.

The vast majority of the world, including your customers, don’t care as much about your corporate brand or strategy as much as you do. That’s not a knock to your brand strategy. It serves an important role in creating a world class brand experience. It just means that when it comes to social networking, it’s critical to look at it with a different lense.

It’s not about top down control. It’s about understanding at the lowest possible level how people want to interact with you. Once you know that, then – with services like Ning – it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump to put the plan into action. I can guarantee you it will be a little more wild ride than you’re used to. In the end, though, you won’t know what you did without it.