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How to Combine a Passion For Writing And Earning Money

How to Combine a Passion For Writing And Earning Money
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Blogging is a popular, rewarding, and lifestyle-friendly activity. Creator status attracts numerous writing professionals and laypeople alike. It seems that nowadays everyone is either a current or a prospective blogger, a pro or a hobby blogger.

Every prolific blogger is familiar with the point in their creative writing process when the tantalizing question surfaces: “Can you make money blogging?

You can be a seasoned expert in a highly specific niche or an inexperienced beginner who has some non-trivial hobby and aspires to share accumulated insights. In either case, you start thinking about blog monetization.

We can offer you several tips on how to blog for money. Your creativity combined with these balanced and practical steps on monetizing a blog can work wonders.

Noteworthy details

Not to dampen your enthusiasm, but keep in mind that blogging incomes may vary. In order not to be disappointed later on, first consider the figures below. As per the 2015 Women’s Blogging Industry and Business Annual Report by iBlog magazine, bloggers with high incomes are not numerous:

Mind you, these figures are not for full-time blogging. If you aim at blogging as a full-time activity, your results may differ. Of course, there are exceptions, like Gwyneth Paltrow or Neil Patel, who managed to monetize their blogs in the most efficient way; but these exceptions are few. Gwyneth Paltrow is a famous Hollywood actress; Neil Patel is an online marketing star. In spite of their hectic schedules, Paltrow and Patel are full-time, full-fledged bloggers.

If you just launch a fresh blog, be patient and wait several months (or even years) before you get enough traffic for monetizing your blog. Be prepared to work a lot, invest a lot (both money and time), and create a lot of useful content. Keep blogging. Starting a blog can be compared to starting a business. Get ready to take risks and gain immense rewards or to lose everything.

How to make money with a blog

It is probable that an average blog creator doesn’t think about blogging for money, at least initially. However, later on in the process as their blog evolves into a crowded platform for social communication, the blogger is frequented by the prodding thought: “Why not to undertake monetizing your blog?

This desire to monetize a successful blog is quite understandable if you have numerous followers. If they are engaged into active communication with you, the author, as well as with other subscribers, you may get the idea of making money blogging.

Simple Step-by-Step Guide to Monetization:

  1. Write good content that attracts traffic
  2. Convert blog visitors into email subscribers
  3. Send your subscribers great content
  4. Sell products to satisfy your audience’s needs

Ways to monetize:

  1. Post advertisements on your blog (this is the traditional method). However, some experts state that selling outside ads is a mistake for a blogger (the same concerns sponsorships, advertising networks like Google AdSense, sponsored posts and so on). It’s more profitable to concentrate on selling your own products.
  2. Attract consultants, speakers, and experts in related fields who will cooperate with your blog. Establish cooperation with other companies and bloggers via affiliate programs. Affiliate marketing works pretty well – it’s fast; the income is passive; and it gives hints of future product creation.
  3. Sell digital products (music, games, software) and physical goods (books, electronics, food).
  4. Organize and sell educational events (courses, seminars, webinars, workshops, and conferences). Charge for attendance or event sponsorship.
  5. Promote and sell different freelancing services (coaching, consulting, training, and speaking).
  6. Pursue other miscellaneous ways – you can promote offline business, establish membership programs, ask for donations, and ultimately sell your blog.

There is one smart tip on monetization in addition to the above-mentioned ones. The best way to make money blogging is the combination of several ways. This combination of methods will yield results at a quicker pace; besides, it will reduce your risk as you won’t put all your eggs in one basket. Remember to schedule all these tasks on your calendar.

More tips on successful blog monetization

Additions: blogging events

Conferences for bloggers are regularly held throughout the world. They are events worth visiting, at least once. These conferences can completely change your views on the role of blogging in our society. You can search for minor local conferences, participate in them, and interact with co-thinkers.

The Bottom Line

We have mentioned several ways of how to conceive and maintain a blog that pays. We do hope our advice will help you a lot to combine your passions for creating breathtaking stories and earning significant income!

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