Ning Help Center

Edit Your Blog Post

Edit Your Blog Post

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You can edit a blog post you’ve created or drafted by going to the Blogs tab and clicking on the “Edit Blog Posts” link at the top of the page. Drafts are indicated by a pencil icon to the left of the Blog Post title and are not yet published. Clicking on the title link, “edit” button or pencil icon will bring you to a screen where you can edit your Blog Post.

You can also delete a blog post of yours from this page by checking the box next to the title and clicking the “Delete” button beneath it.

You can add images, files or links, or remove links or any formatting previously added to your entry. You can edit your Tags, change when you’d like to publish this Post, or even edit who can view or comment on it. Changing the publish date will update where this post appears in the All Blog Posts page. Please note that changing your blog post’s visibility to “Just Me” or “Just My Friends” will remove this blog post from the number count that displays on your profile page.

Adding JavaScript (such as in the form of a widget) is something that can usually be done, depending on the code used, if you are the Network Creator. Members are unable to add JavaScript. Additionally, some scripts will work when added to the network, but some will conflict with existing code on the network and not work as expected, so make sure to try out your script or widget first.

If you are on the Ning Pro or Ning Plus plan, you can also edit the URL of your blog post. By default, it will grab the title of your post and display as

Click on the “Preview” button to view your changes before finalizing them. When you feel confident with the changes you’ve made, click on the “Publish Post” button and your blog post will update accordingly.

Choose whether or not to moderate comments on your entries by clicking on the Change link under the “Comment Moderation” section. Doing this will take you to your Privacy Settings page.

If you are moderating comments on your Blog Posts, you will be able to click on the Comments tab from the “Edit Blog Posts” page.

Check the box next to the comment and click the “Approve” button to have the comment appear on your blog post entry, or click the “Delete” link to remove the comment altogether.
Let’s start create a blog with Ning:

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