Ning Help Center

Follow an Event

Follow an Event

5 (100%) 1 vote

If you find an interesting event you’d like to keep track of, you can use the “Follow” feature to receive an email whenever there is a new comment added to the page for that event. This email notification will contain a link to the new comment.

To follow an event, click on the name of the event and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link to “Follow – Email me when people comment.” If you’re already following an event and would like to stop doing so, this link will appear as “Stop Following.” Click that to stop receiving email notifications about new comments on the event. You can also control the emails you receive by clicking on “Settings” on the right side of any page and clicking “Email.”

By default, you’ll automatically follow all events you create or comment on. This is a great way to keep updated on the event and make sure you see all comments!

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