Ning Help Center

Subscribe to a Specific Member’s Videos Using RSS

Subscribe to a Specific Member’s Videos Using RSS

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If a Ning Network is public, you can subscribe to a specific member’s videos. When you’re looking at the member’s videos page, click on or copy the RSS link at the bottom of the page, underneath the person’s videos:

Next, go to your external website or feedreader of choice. A good place to start is iGoogle, which is easy to configure and comes with a bunch of default feeds that will give you an idea of what you can use RSS for. To add a feed to your iGoogle, click the “Add stuff” link at the top right of the page. Next, at the bottom of the left column, click the “Add feed or gadget” next to the RSS icon.

Paste in the URL of the RSS feed you copied from your social network and click the “Add” button. Once your feed has successfully been added, click the “Back to iGoogle home” link at the top left of the page. Your new feed will appear in the top left corner of the page.

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