Ning 3 Help

Change Your Password

Change Your Password

3.8 (76%) 5 votes

To change your password, first sign into your Ning Network. (If you’ve forgotten your password and cannot sign in, follow these steps).

  1. Click on the edit (pencil icon) button on your profile page.
  2. Click “Change” next to the password field.
  3. Enter your current password in the first field. Then enter your new password in the second field. Confirm your new password in the third field.
  4. Click “Save” to confirm your changes.

Changing your password on a network only affects that network. If you wanted to change your password on other networks on which you are a member, you will need to perform the same steps there,

To change your password on, sign in, click the “Change Password” link, then provide your existing and new passwords and click “Change.”

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