Ning 3 Help

Edit Dates and Timestamps with the Language Editor

Edit Dates and Timestamps with the Language Editor

3 (60%) 3 votes

Not everyone uses the same date and timestamp formats as what appear by default. By default, the date will display with the month first, followed by the day of the month and a four-digit year. Timestamps are based on a 12-hour format based on the timezone you have set for your network.

If you’d like to edit this, you can click on the green administrative toolbar and select the tablet icon to get to the Social Site Manager panel.  From here, click on the “Language Editor” link and then click “Edit” next to the language you’re currently using on your network.  Enter the string you would like to search for and edit on your network.

Below is a table containing these strings as they exist in the Language Editor and a brief explanation of what they represent.  To see more information about formatting options, check out the documentation here.

PHP Date Description
F j, Y F j, Y dictates a full-text display of the month, followed by the day and four-digit year
M j M j will display a three-letter month, followed by the day
M j, Y M j, Y will display a three-letter month, followed by the day and four-digit year
g:ia g dictates a 12-hour format

i dictates the minutes

a dictates the display of a.m. and p.m. in lowercase letters

M j, Y, g:ia M dictates a three-letter display of the month

j is to display the day of the month

Y dictates a four-digit display of the year

F j, Y \a\t g:ia F dictates a full-text display of the month

\a\t is just “at”

M j, Y \a\t g:ia M j, Y will display a three-letter month, followed by the day and four-digit year

When you find the string you’d like to edit, make your change to the text in the box on the right.  Save your changes at the bottom of the page, and you should be all set after that!

You’ll see these updates display in areas of your network wherever the date and / or time are noted.

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