Ning 3 Help

Run Ads on Your Network

Run Ads on Your Network

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You can run ads from an external ad provider such as Google AdSense to generate ad revenue using your Ning Network. (Learn how to sign up for AdSense here.)

You can paste this embed code that was generated into any HTML Content section on your network. These sections can be added to Custom Pages or to Feature Instances you’ve created through the Site & Pages manager in your dashboard. To get there, click on the green administrative toolbar in the top left of your network. Select the first icon to be taken to the Social Site Manager section of your dashboard.

Click on “Site & Pages.” Once on this page, select any feature instance page you’ve created, such as the Members page or a Custom page. You’ll see there is a “Below Header HTML Box” as well as an “Above Footer HTML Box” in the Layout & Content section of the page settings for that feature. Click on either of these to add your ad to this page. You can also paste advertising code into any custom HTML section in a page layout.

In the window that pops up, paste in your Google AdSense or any other ad code.

Want persistent ads across all pages on your network? Check the box next to “Use default Below Header HTML” and click on the link in order to paste your ad in the new window that pops up. Click “OK”, make sure the box is checked, and click “Update”.

Be sure to save your changes to the page when you’re done, and after a few hours, you’ll find that this ad appears on every page of your Ning Network. 

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