Ning Blog

Ask Ning: Can You Scale My Network?

Ask Ning: Can You Scale My Network?
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Network Creators love to ask us whether the Ning Platform can scale a social network on Ning to millions of people and page views. It’s a great question.

The short answer is absolutely. That’s why we’re here. Our general approach is to quietly earn your trust on this front by simply being up and, well, awesome. As your network continues to grow and grow and grow, it should just work. You shouldn’t even have to think about it.

The longer answer is that creating a platform that works smoothly and speedily at high volume is a challenge. We love challenges. It’s an area that we have taken seriously from the start and a place where we’ve put our money where our mouth is.

Stuff will always happen, but we’ve taken significant measures to ensure that your social network on Ning can be as successful as you want it to be. Behind the scenes, here are a few of the things we’ve done to ensure in your network can achieve world domination:

A lot of thought, effort, iteration, and real world experience has gone into enabling your social network on Ning to scale successfully without you ever having to think about it. Think of it as a reverse mullet. It may be a party in the front, but it’s all business in the back.