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When and Why You Should Use a Landing Page: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy of Landing Pages

When and Why You Should Use a Landing Page: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy of Landing Pages
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Have you read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams?

If you have, you may ask what the connection is between this book and a landing page. The book is great. We like the metaphor of exploring an unknown space with the help of a guide.

Just as a real travel book offers a guide to a new location, our guideline series offers a guide to the galaxy of SEO and marketing that can be totally new to you. SEO specialists and marketers are like hitchhikers in an open space, and they require a comprehensive travel guide. Here we offer one more guide on when and why to use landing pages.

Reasons to use landing pages

Metaphorically speaking, a landing page is a ring net for potential leads. It’s highly specialized, physically looks like a funnel, and is meant specifically to “catch” users. You can capture leads like butterflies and drive them through the purchase funnel.

Sure, landing pages are not developed to be equal. A school’s landing page differs considerably in both design and content from a landing page for an app. However, they’re similar in their general characteristics. The requirements for a good landing page are a relevant target, a lack of distractions (limited navigation), a valuable and compelling offer, sharing options, crisp content, and an irresistible call to action.

There’s one interesting type of landing page – a teaser landing page, or “coming soon” page – that made an appearance not so long ago. A span-new science called “teaserology” is already taking the stage. A perfect teaser landing page must be highly memorable, viral, and desirable. Such a page raises awareness of a product that will appear soon by creating anticipation among the target audience, which is beneficial for any marketing campaign.

Reasons why entrepreneurs need to create landing pages: “one is great”

One purpose. There are various types of web pages, but a landing page stands apart from the rest. It is focused upon a single specific purpose; does one thing at a time, and thus it’s more productive than any other page on your site. A landing page doesn’t try to do everything simultaneously, like a one-man band (which is usually the role of your homepage); due to its focus on one goal, it achieves this particular goal best.

One-problem solution. If your company offers an impressive range of services or products, lumping them all together on one main page is a big mistake. It’s a smart tactic to create separate landing pages for each activity or product.

Usually, people have one burning question in mind and search the web for the immediate solution to their particular problem. A relevant landing page for one product will facilitate quicker and easier access to your particular service that a user needs most. Landing on customized pages, visitors get only the information they need and are not distracted by any irrelevant details.

Landing pages for business: “pluses for people”

User friendliness. Simplicity is a very important factor in creating a user friendly experience of a page. People suffer from information overflow and a lack of time. They need the gist of what you want them to digest quickly. A landing page is a simple instruction that’s understandable for everyone.

This simplicity doesn’t appear overnight. Constantly striving for improvements in the user experience is the key to success for your website. A landing page is a simple yet effective tool that facilitates the user experience and thus increases your conversion rate and improves your return on investment.

Web visibility. You may have the greatest services, products, or content on your site, but if no one is able to see them because of low rankings, you won’t succeed. With the help of separate landing pages for each product, you can manage to outrank your rivals and make your page more relevant.

Due to multiple landing pages, people get more opportunities to link to the content of your website, and this heightens its influence. A user can share your landing page on social media and it can be linked to pay-per-click advertisements, so it becomes easy to find in an organic search.

New data for analysis. The use of a landing page helps you get demographic information on new leads as well as behavioral data on the existing ones. This information is great for marketing teams, as it helps them to understand your audience better.

Control. Landing page metrics present eye-opening insights into your marketing. Metrics help you analyze and adjust every effort undertaken by the team.

3 more reasons why a landing page is necessary

Bottom line

Do create as many landing pages as possible, and do not be afraid to test and to experiment! A landing page is a great marketing tool for business; use it wisely.

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