Ning Help Center

Add a Sign Up Quiz

Add a Sign Up Quiz

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As a Network Creator, you can take advantage of the sign up quiz to help ensure that only legitimate members are able to join your Ning Network. Adding a quiz to the sign-up process for your Ning Network makes it difficult for spammers to join since they will need to take the time to research the answer. To set up the sign up quiz on your Ning Network, head to the “Controls” link under the Members heading on your My Network page, or use the Member Controls icon shortcut.

You have the option to require members to answer just a CAPTCHA, just the sign-up quiz or both. When you set up the sign-up quiz, you’ll want to pick a question that every potential member of your Ning Network would know the answer to. If you run a Ning Network for your classroom, for example, your question could be based around what the class is studying. On a Ning Network based around music, your question could have to do with a band member or an album name. It’s best to think of a question with a one to two word answer.

If you would like to allow for multiple correct answers, you can do so by separating them with a comma. Note that capitalization doesn’t have to match—as long as the answer is correct, it will be accepted. The same applies for accents and punctuation. We recommend changing your sign-up quiz frequently in order to help prevent unwanted spam on your Ning Network!

Here are some examples of good sign up quizzes:

Here are some examples of sign up quizzes that would be easy for spammers to guess:

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