Ning Help Center

Export Member Information

Export Member Information

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You can export your members’ profile information at any time from the Manage Members page. This will generate a comma-separated (CSV) text file that you can open using a program like Excel. This file will contain information about your members, including:

To export your members’ profile information, head to the My Network tab and click on the “Management” link in the Members section. Scroll to the bottom of the member list and click on the “Export All Member Data (.CSV)” link at the bottom right corner. Please note that you need to be viewing the Active Members list in order for the export option to display.

If you have 500 or more members on your Ning Network, you will receive an email notification containing a link to download your member list. Save the file to your computer and open it with Excel to view your members’ profile information all in one spot!

You can also access the most recently exported member list by going to (replacing with your network’s domain).

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