Ning 3 Help

Embed a Twitter Feed to a Page

Embed a Twitter Feed to a Page

2.33 (46.67%) 3 votes

You can embed a Twitter feed on your network by following the link  This will take you directly to the Twitter settings page, where you can select the content to embed.

You can scroll down and select different embed options:

Select a handle, hashtag or tweet you want to display on your network, put it in the search bar and click on an arrow button to proceed. You will be promped to select a display option (we have selected an Embedded Timeline). From there, you can either copy the code and put it on your network, or set customization first.

This step is optional, but we decided to change the colour scheme from Light to Dark to match the design of the site.

Copy the embed code that will then display above the Tweets preview.  This code can be pasted into any HTML content section or text box you see on your network.

The finished product will look something like this.

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