Ning 3 Help

Integrate Member Categories with Feature Permissions

Integrate Member Categories with Feature Permissions

5 (100%) 1 vote

Features you create through the Site & Pages manager come with the option to adjust contribution permissions, as well as visibility settings. This is a great way to create an Admin-only forum, which you and your administrators can use to discuss community guidelines, member engagement strategies, or to store broadcast messages that get sent out from the network.

This is also a great way to connect certain groups of members with others. For example, if you run an online classroom, you could create a member category for the instructors and a separate category for their students. You could then create a Blog feature that the instructors are given permission to contribute content to, and where the students are given permission to view the content added by their instructors.

There are a number of things you can do with these flexible controls. To set this up on your network, you’ll first want to create one or more member categories in your Member Management panel. After you do that, you can either manually assign members to these categories from the Members page in your dashboard, or you can use the Profile Questions feature that you’ve created to enable members to automatically get assigned to a category, based on their responses.

After that’s set up, you can go to the Site & Pages manager to set the permission levels for contributions and viewing as you see fit.

Once you’ve got things as you’d like them, click “Save!”

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