Ning Help Center

Edit Your Event’s Information

Edit Your Event’s Information

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To update your Event, go to the event’s page and click the “Edit Event” link in the Options drop-down menu. You can change any information about the event, including the privacy level of the event, and even close it to new attendees.

You can quickly edit the location or event type from the Event’s page, or edit any of the other fields you filled out when creating your event.

If you make changes to your event, you may want to let people who have been invited to the event know. As an event creator, you can opt to send a message to people who are attending, people who might attend, people who haven’t yet RSVPed, or people who are not attending.

You can send people an update – or a reminder about your event – by returning to the event’s page and clicking the “Send Message to Guests” link.

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