Ning Help Center

Removing Tabs

Removing Tabs

3.2 (64%) 45 votes

To remove a tab, head over to “Tabs & Pages” from the Settings menu in your My Network page. Then, click the ‘X’ in the upper right corner of the tab. This will remove the tab from the navigation bar, but will not remove that feature’s content from your Ning Network. It will also not remove the feature module from the Main page of your Ning Network. The My Network tab cannot be deleted. Be sure to click the “Save Tab Settings” button when you’re done! You can also cancel changes or reset the tabs to their default settings.

Once you delete a tab, it is removed from the list of tabs. There is no one-click way to get the tab back. However, if you remember the address (http://…) your tab linked to, you can recover the tab’s contents by adding the tab again.

If you have accidentally removed a tab, head over to Troubleshoot an “Our Apologies” Error in Your Tab and scroll to the bottom for a list of common tabs on the network.

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