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Track New Sign-Ups with Google Analytics

Track New Sign-Ups with Google Analytics

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Google Analytics gathers valuable information about the traffic on your Ning Network and how visitors behave while browsing it. With Goals, a powerful feature of Google Analytics, you can track the number of new members that sign up on your Ning Network. The information you learn will help you understand and stimulate your network’s growth. Crucially, you’ll be able to see the impact of your promotional efforts, and find out what’s working and what’s not when it comes to attracting new members.

If you haven’t already set up Google Analytics for your social network, check out this tutorial. Once you’re set up with Google Analytics, you’re ready to add a Goal:

  1. Click on the “Admin” button on the right side of the Google Analytics page, then click on “Profiles” and lastly on “Goals”.
  2. Click on any of the “+Goal” links to see general information for the goal.
  3. Select the radio button next to “URL Destination” to expand your options.
  4. Enter the information exactly as it appears in the screenshot below. Enter the Goal Name as “Signup” and select the radio button next to “Active” beneath it. Select “URL Destination” for the Goal Type. Enter the Goal URL as “/newProfile”, and change the Match Type to “Regular Expression Match”. Lastly, enter a Goal Value of 0.0. Save your changes”. You don’t need to set up any funnels, which are a series of pages leading up to your goal URL.
After you are done setting up your goal, you can track sign-ups on Google Analytics by expanding the “Goals” panel on the report for your social network. To get there, just click on the “Standard Reporting” button from the home page, then go to Conversions > Goals > Goal URLS. In the Goal Option section, select “Signup” from the drop-down list.

 This will allow you to see deeper trends in membership, and make adjustments to take advantage of these trends. Here are a few things you can do with increased sign-up information:

Tracking sign-ups is just one way to take advantage of Google Analytics and Goals. Experiment with other tracking methods to analyze data relevant to your Ning Network.

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