Ning Help Center

Viewing Photos

Viewing Photos

5 (100%) 1 vote

You can browse all of the photos everyone has uploaded to your Ning Network by heading to the Photos tab. You’ll see the thumbnails and titles of the photos along with who uploaded each, sorted in order of those most recently uploaded to the Ning Network. Change the order of the photos by clicking on the “Sorted by” drop-down menu and selecting Latest, Top Rated, Most Popular or Random.

Any photos the Network Creator has featured will appear in the top section of the page under the “Featured Photos” heading.

To learn more about a photo, click on the title or thumbnail. You’ll be taken to the photo detail page, where you can see information like when the photo was uploaded, its rating, tags, number of views, and any comments people have left on the photo. Here you can rate, comment, add as a favorite, share this photo with others or send the member a message.

To add a photo to your My Favorites folder, click on the “Favorite” link beneath the photo. To see all of the photos you’ve added as favorites, click the My Favorites tab near the top of the page.

To share a comment about the photo, type your comment in the box below the photo. You can format your text or add links, images, or files using the toolbar.

If you want to receive an email notification whenever anyone comments on this photo, click on the “Follow” link beneath the Comment box. To stop receiving notifications, go back to the same photo and click where it will then say “Stop Following.”

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