Ning 3 Help

Control the Privacy Settings of Your Profile Page

Control the Privacy Settings of Your Profile Page

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By default, anyone can view your profile page and list of friends on a public Ning Network. However, you can override the default privacy settings for your profile page at any time. You can set your profile page to be visible to everyone (default), only members of the Ning Network or just to your friends on the network.

To change the privacy of your profile page, click on the edit icon that looks like a pencil on the top right of your profile page. You should land on the “Profile” tab in your personal settings area. Choose the level of privacy you’d like from the “Profile Page Privacy” drop down and the update the page.

By default, all photos, videos and blog posts you add to the Ning Network will still be visible to everyone. The privacy of your posted content is dependent on the network’s privacy setting for that feature or page.

For networks where the Network Creator has enabled members to send a private message to anyone else on the network, members can individually block someone if they don’t want to receive messages from them.  Click on the “Block Messages” button that appears when you are viewing a message from someone in your inbox.  You’ll be prompted to confirm this action.  Click “OK” to block all future messages from this person.  See Send a Private Message for more information.

If you’ve changed the privacy of your profile page, visitors who don’t have access to your profile page will only be able to view your name, photo and basic information, like age, gender and location. If you aren’t sure you’d like to have your name, age, gender or location visible to search engines, you can read more about the relationship between member privacy and search engines.

Network Creators and administrators will still be able to view all member My Pages in full, regardless of privacy settings. In addition, Network Creators and administrators can limit access to their My Pages, just as other members can.

Members who choose to make their profile pages private cannot be selected as a featured member, until the member chooses to make their profile public.

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