Ning 3 Help

How to Embed a YouTube Video

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Embedding a YouTube video into your Ning Network allows members to watch a video hosted by YouTube without having to leave your network. These videos can be embedded into any text fields with an Add Media button, or in any HTML-enabled tab. You or other members can embed YouTube videos by following a few simple steps:

First, visit the video you would like to embed on YouTube. Once the page has loaded, click on the “Share” tab, then “Embed” tab. Optionally you can adjust the settings for the video, such as video size, but it is not necessary. Once you are ready, copy the code shown below the “Embed” tab, and navigate to the page on your Ning Network that you would like to embed the video into.

In the text toolbar, click the Add Media button first. Afterwards, paste the copied text from the YouTube channel into the text box (as shown above). Save or update the discussion, and your YouTube video should be embedded. You may need to refresh once after the video is posted if it does not appear instantly.

Once you’re done, the video should appear on your network, ready to play with a single click.

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