Ning 3 Help

Upload a File

Upload a File

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Want to attach a file to your network? Look for the paper with an arrow icon in your text editor toolbar on a Blog Post.

This icon appears in the Blog and Forum features, which means these are two locations on your network where you and your members can attach files to content created on the network.

A file that you upload to the network from this location can be up to 7MB in size, and can be in any variety of formats, such as a .jpg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .doc or other file format.

Attaching a file to your network in this way creates a download link for that file that anyone on your network (or if the network is public, anyone who sees it) can click on to download.

Two file formats that cannot be uploaded to blog posts are .rar and .zip files.

As the Network Creator, you have the additional option of uploading files to your network’s File Manager in the dashboard. To get there, click on the green administrative toolbar at the top of your network to expand the toolbar options. Click on the first icon to go to the Site & Pages manager. From there, you can go to the File Manager page.

On this page, you can upload files that are up to 7MB in size. Network Creators and Administrators can upload up to 30 files at a time with the File Manager with a maximum of 100 files. From the File Manager, you can additionally upload .zip files, if needed.

Experiencing any difficulty uploading your file and it’s within the size requirement? See: Troubleshoot Browser Related Issues

For more file-storing options, consider using a third-party file-storing service, such as DropBox or

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