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Get Help Moderating

Get Help Moderating

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Moderating your Ning Network – and doing it right – is key to building a positive reputation. When your Ning Network is just getting started, we recommend a reactive approach to moderating.

Although your Ning Network is equipped with all the tools to let you review new members, Photos, Videos, Groups, Events, and Blog Posts before they’re added, turning any of these moderation controls on tends to slow down the rate of participation in your Ning Network.

As your Ning Network continues to grow, we recommend turning on moderation only for those features that you’ve specifically seen would benefit from this.

After learning which administrative tools an Administrator has access to, you may want to promote your most active members to Administrators for a little help with your network. You can also appoint multiple levels of Administrators, so that you can delegate individual members to moderate a specific feature on your Ning Network, without giving them full access to the administrative tools. For example, if you have a very active Forum, designating someone as a Forum Moderator would help prevent such an active thread from unravelling into something unrelated to the original topic.

To create different levels of Administrators on your Ning Network, go to the My Network tab, then click on Management under the “Members” section. From the Manage Members page that opens, click on the “Administrative Roles” tab. Here, you will see the option to “Add a Role.” Click on that link, then set the permission levels that you’d like to assign to this new role you are creating.

You can check boxes next to the features you’d like this particular role to have administrative privileges over, or you can click on the “Add a Content Item” link to get very specific. Here, you can include the URL for a particular item and designate this new role the moderator of that specific item. If you leave the features all unchecked, this URL will be the one item the new role will have control over.

Click on the “Add” button to put this designation into effect. Click “Save” to finalize all these changes. Then click on the “Members” tab to take you back to the Management page, where you can then check the box next to the member you wish to promote to this new role. Select the role from the “Select An Action” drop-down menu. You should be all done after that!

Getting members to help you moderate your Ning Network is great for a few reasons:

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