Ning Help Center

Introduction to the Forum

Introduction to the Forum

3.5 (70%) 4 votes

The Forum is a great way to interact with other members on your Ning Network. It is also a great place to discuss news related to your Ning Network, share experiences, and voice your opinions.

Getting started on your discussion forum is easy. You can reply to an existing discussion or start your own. You can also choose to follow a discussion, which means you’ll be notified by email when there are new replies to that discussion. As a Network Creator, you can add categories, change the display of discussions and of the Forum home page, and feature discussions on your Ning Network.

To start a discussion, you can use the built-in rich text editor to add and format text, images, and links so you can get your discussion just right. You can click the “HTML Editor” tab view to add HTML. The Forum  text box does not support JavaScript, CSS expressions, or certain HTML tags including <script>, <frame>, <iframe>, <html>, or <body>. Validation is performed when you click “Save”, so any unsupported text will be removed.

Check out the related articles to read about the Forum in more detail.

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