Ning Help Center

Edit Content Added by Members

Edit Content Added by Members

5 (100%) 1 vote

As a Network Creator, you can delete any content added to your Ning Network by your members.  You can make changes to this content–as well as most comments made on it–to correct typos or make other copy edits.  You can make edits to content posted by your members in the Photos, Videos, Events, Blog and Forum features on your Ning Network, as well as comments in those features.  It is not possible to edit comments made by members on group walls or member My Pages.

To edit a piece of content, you’ll just use the “Edit” link in the admin area to access it just as you would on anything you posted to your network.  If you see a comment that you’d like to make changes to, click on its corresponding “Edit Comment” link.  This will open the comment’s text box where you’ll make your edits.  When you’re finished, click the “Save” button on the comment.

As a Network Creator you also have the ability to give this permission to your trusted administrators or moderators, if you wish. To do this, head to the Controls page in the Content section of your My Network tab. On this page there are two check box options under “Edit Content Permissions”:

-Allow administrators to edit member content
-Allow moderators to edit member content they are moderating

Please note that you have to explicitly enable these settings since they are not on by default.  When you’ve made the setting selection you’d like, click the “Save” button to activate it.

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