Ning Help Center

Keep Updated on Your Group’s Activity

Keep Updated on Your Group’s Activity

5 (100%) 1 vote

When you join a group, you can choose to follow any comment wall, members or group forum activity. This means that when someone joins the group, posts a comment or starts or replies to a forum discussion within the group, you’ll receive an email notification about it. This is a great way to keep up to date with groups you belong to and any activities happening within the group.

To view all of the discussions in the group’s forum, locate the Discussion Forum module and click the “View All” link.

If you want to receive an email notification whenever someone posts a new discussion in the forum, after clicking the”View All” link, click “Follow” on the forum’s “All Discussions” page. If you want to get updates on responses to a specific discussion, click into that thread and click the “Follow” link at the bottom of the page.

Any “Follow” link you click will display “Stop Following” when that setting is in place. You can click the “Stop Following” link to stop receiving email notifications. If you choose to leave a group at any time, make sure to stop following any content in the group you have previously opted to receive notifications about.

Another way of keeping up with your group’s forum discussions is to click the radio signal button in the bottom left corner of the discussion page. This is an RSS feed that you can subscribe to, to bookmark the discussion thread.

Click that button to be brought to the feed’s page and copy its URL to begin tracking it in your feed reader of choice, or to embed it elsewhere.

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