Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

What Is Google Penalty and How to Avoid It

Search engine optimization is an integral part of digital marketing. Without putting enough effort into SEO, it is literally impossible to break through the competition and get decent visibility for your business website on the internet.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

What is the Fundamental Difference Between SEO and SEM?

If you deal with internet marketing, the terms SEO and SEM should be household names for you. But if you are new to the industry, these two may cause confusion. Some people don’t differentiate SEO and SEM at all, using the terms interchangeably, others treat them as two completely unrelated concepts. Both are quite typical misconceptions. And as always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

Top 7 Social Media Trends Every Marketer Should Be Aware of in 2018-2019

Social media are penetrating deeper in our lives as people spend more and more time online cultivating their social profiles. Just imagine, seven in ten internet users worldwide have active social accounts.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

What Is Storytelling and How to Use It for Business?

Do you think good stories are only found in books and movies? Not at all. Stories are everywhere if you think about it. Even a regular morning commute can sometimes turn into a story of its own!

Now when it comes to business, an original and truthful story can add a new facet to your brand, make it more approachable for the audience, and inspire your customers.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

Why Integrate a Live Chat in Your Business Website?

When buyers choose a product, they feel more comfortable if they can consult with a real person. This is the main advantage of a physical store. When it comes to online shopping, the remote consulting is achieved mostly through the phone, email or live chat. The latter is gradually becoming one of the most effective and widely used methods of online communication. Reportedly, 63% of buyers admit that they are more inclined to check out a website if it has a live chat through which they can contact a brand representative.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

How to Start a Podcast: An Introduction for a Beginner Podcaster

It’s all about useful and engaging content these days. So if you’re interested in the effective content marketing, you have plenty of options to choose from: blogs (photo blogs, video blogs, and microblogs), updates on social networks, webinars, videos on YouTube, live streaming, and more. To this variety, you can also add podcasts as they are rapidly gaining in popularity. Reportedly, 44% of the U.S. population have listened to podcasts at least once. This is a huge audience if you think about it!

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