July 2018

Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

How to Use YouTube Live Streaming Service for Business

Knowing that YouTube is the second top ranking site on the web, using it for business purposes seems to be a no-brainer. Indeed, YouTube has around 1.58 billion users worldwide, and many of them visit the website every single day. With an outreach potential like that, it is one of the most powerful digital marketing channels to date. Even more so when live stream videos have become so increasingly popular these days.

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What Is UI And How Is It Different From UX?

In the digital age, the concept of ‘design’ has drastically changed. Nowadays, this term covers not only graphic design but also new forms of digital product design. Their primary objective is to create user-friendly interfaces. The primary requirements are practicality, intuitiveness, and convenience. And it is namely the UI and UX design that are meant to meet these requirements.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

The Best 10 SEO Tools Every Online Marketer Should Explore in 2018

SEO, standing for ‘search engine optimization’, is the issue that seems to concern every earnest online marketer today. In fact, 61% of businesses see SEO and growing their organic online presence as the top priority in terms of inbound marketing. And rightfully so. SEO determines whether your business is visible online or gets lost among the competitors.

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