
Ally Windsea
Ally Windsea

Blogging: A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Blog with Ning

Do you need to promote your brand? Does something inspire you? Starting a blog can propel both you and your brand to new levels. Blogging is an effective and inexpensive tool to share your news and thoughts with other people. It can become a cornerstone of your marketing strategy, bringing you a steady income.

A promotion concept is the basis for a successful blog launch. So here are the key components you need to start your blog from scratch.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

9 Online Business Opportunities to Make Money: Jump Right into the Forbes World’s Billionaires List

All budding entrepreneurs in the sphere of e-commerce are the same. They want to know how to build an online business fast that will last 100 years or more. They are inspired by fascinating success stories of transnational corporations and the time-honored traditions of Swiss banks. Young and energetic beginners look up to top online businesses and are eager to grab and implement money-making website ideas on the fly.

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Brenda Peterson
Brenda Peterson

Call to Action Examples for Your Social Media

Even though we live in an era where digital marketing techniques are overpowering standard, traditional practices most of the entrepreneurs and company owners still don’t understand the importance of the call to action button. Nowadays we can see many examples where business decided to use CTA button based on little or no research. These attempts lead to failure and most of the time the lead generation campaign ended poorly.

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Ally Windsea
Ally Windsea

10 Tips to Choose the Best Domain Name For Your Network

Choosing the perfect domain name for your website is crucial before you start your network community. The right domain name of your website can help your search engine rankings and will determine the overall appeal of your network to your target audience.

Finding a good brand and domain name for your social network can be challenging. There are three reason why you will have a hard time finding the perfect or even just a good domain name:

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Gregory Mount
Gregory Mount

How to Make a Website Like Facebook?

Have you ever thought of creating your own social network like Facebook, but with personalized features and its own identity? A network where you can define the design, overall organization, and even privacy policy.

Currently, Facebook rules the social media world. According to the 2017 survey, about 68% of U.S adults use Facebook, and more than 65 million businesses are owners of a Facebook fan page.

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Why Should You Switch Your Site to HTTPS?

Cybersecurity and data protection are real headache of the technologically driven century we live in. Since everything we convey is online and exposed, many companies and ordinary users are afraid for the safety of their private data. Many examples exist where security issues lead to financial loss or exposure of important plans and projects. According to 2017 Identity Fraud Study, $16 billion was stolen from the US consumers in 2016, and the number of identity thieves is only increasing over the years.

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